West of Loathing wander events/Region G (2024)

TypeEncounterConditionsNon-Combat OptionsCombat Option

A large man with a large hammer interrupts your journey by leaping out from behind a rock and shouting:

"You damn ghosts won't get me! I'll hammer you back into the grave where you belong!"

  • Cower[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Flee this crazy man[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Frighten him away[Intimidatin'5]

    gain construction sledgehammer
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Try to calm him down[Outfoxin'5]

    gain 60 - 63 XP

  • Sell him an anti-ghost charm[Hornswogglin'5]

    gain 25 - 35 meat
    + 50 - 53 XP

Oh no he won't

Bad guys

an insane construction worker

XP (kill)

60 - 63


25 - 35 meat
construction sledgehammer

A thin stream of smoke over the next hill indicates a nearby campfire, so you decide to check it out. It turns out instead to be a man strolling around nonchalantly. He's wearing a top hat, which is on fire.One-time
  • Shout at him until he takes the hat off[Intimidatin'5]

    gain burning tophat
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Explain how fire is bad for his head[Outfoxin'5]

    gain burning tophat
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Use reverse psychology[Hornswogglin'5]

    gain burning tophat
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Leave him alone

    continue travel

  • Y'know what? I give up. I'm leaving.

    continue travel

This is ridiculous. Let's just fight.

Bad guys

a burning man

XP (kill)

60 - 63


burning tophat

You ride past a woman who is running along the desert trail on foot... and although I say 'running', it's a slow run, with an odd loping gait. She's dressed oddly too -- no hat, just a thin strip of fabric tied across her forehead, light clothing, and strange soft-looking boots that barely even come up to her ankles.One-time
  • All right, I apologize.

    gain 50 - 53 XP

  • How about we see if you can catch me?

    continue travel

Bring it, goofy-shoes!

Bad guys

a bandit jogger

XP (kill)

60 - 63


running boots

You're ambushed by a cow who was hiding behind a nearby billboard. Big billboard, big cow.Repeatable
  • Run away from it[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Surrender to it

    gain Angry

Attack it

Bad guys

a Frisco hellcow

XP (kill)

60 - 63


180 - 200 meat
2 of

roasted cow tongue
tainted beefsteak

2 of

putrid cow bile
cow's blood
tainted milk

30% chance of brass bull ring


infernal leather

The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you realize you've ridden into the midst of a herd of ghostly floating cow heads.

You've heard that some ranchers, in a desperate effort to avoid the Homecoming, deliberately drove their entire herds into the ocean. If that's what happened here, it didn't work, and these cows are very angry about it.

  • Escape them[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Surrender to them

    gain Angry

Fight them

Bad guys

ghost cow
ghost cow
ghost cow

XP (kill)

60 - 63


2 - 4 infernal soul fragment

A goblin suddenly runs up with an armload of driftwood and dumps it out in front of you.One-time
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Have Gary deal with it[Gary]

    reduce price to 250 meat

  • Haggle with them[Intimidatin'5]

    reduce price to 250 meat

  • Haggle with them[Outfoxin'5]

    reduce price to 250 meat

  • Haggle with them[Hornswogglin'5]

    reduce price to 250 meat

  • Buy a driftwood... weapon?[300 meat]

    gain driftwood sculpture (weapon)
    + lose 300 meat

  • Buy a driftwood... hat?[300 meat]

    gain driftwood sculpture (hat)
    + lose 300 meat

  • Buy a driftwood... shield?[300 meat]

    gain driftwood sculpture (shield)
    + lose 300 meat

Attack the goblin
Fight them

Bad guys

a goblin driftwood sculptor

XP (kill)

60 - 63


driftwood sculpture (shield)

Off to one side of the trail, you spot a goblin digging in the sand with a little shovel and a pail.One-time
  • Have Gary deal with it[Gary]

    gain 60 - 63 XP

  • Threaten them[Intimidatin'5]

    gain shiny abalone brooch
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Investigate the shell[Outfoxin'5]

    gain shiny abalone brooch
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Steal the shell[Hornswogglin'5]

    gain shiny abalone brooch
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Leave them alone

    continue travel

Attack the goblin

Bad guys

a goblin clamdigger

XP (kill)

60 - 63


shiny abalone brooch

Several loud gunshots ring out as you round a large cluster of boulders, and you dive into cover. Peeking cautiously around the corner, you discover a goblin shooting a large pistol at a pile of nailed-together driftwood.One-time
  • Be mean to them[Intimidatin'5]

    <continue conversation>

  • Help them with their sculpture[Outfoxin'5]

    gain sandalwood ring
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Help them[Hornswogglin'5]

    gain sandalwood ring
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Leave them alone

    continue travel

Attack the goblin

Bad guys

a goblin driftwood sculptor

XP (kill)

60 - 63


sandalwood ring

With a spooky combination of hissing, chattering, and clanking, an ancient skeleton rises out of the sand in front of you. He's wearing dented and rusted antique armor and a long handlebar mustache -- must be an ancient explorer or would-be conqueror. Hopefully the former, because he doesn't seem to have been much good at the latter.One-time
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Talk some smack[Intimidatin'5]

    gain 50 - 53 XP

  • Give him a history[Outfoxin'5]

    gain 50 - 53 XP

  • Give him the runaround[Hornswogglin'5]

    gain 50 - 53 XP

Fight 'em

Bad guys

a conquistador's skeleton

XP (kill)

60 - 63


old Spanish sabatons

An ancient, seaweed draped skeleton is shambling toward you, hissing and moaning.

Oh, huh. I guess we must be near the beach.

  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Exploit the home court advantage[Intimidatin'5]

    gain sea skull
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Warn them about diving safety[Outfoxin'5]

    gain sea skull
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Recognize them[Hornswogglin'5]

    gain damp autograph
    + 50 - 53 XP

Fight 'em

Bad guys

a seaweed-draped skeleton

XP (kill)

60 - 63


sea skull

A gurgling hiss draws you attention to a nearby skeleton. Honestly just the fact that there was a skeleton here should've been enough to draw your attention, but I guess you're getting used to them. This one is wearing rusted antique conquistador armor, caked with mud and rotting seaweed, and waving a waterlogged old blunderbuss at you.One-time
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Insult them[Intimidatin'5]

    gain muck-clogged blunderbuss
    + 50 - 53 XP

  • Guide them[Outfoxin'5]

    gain 50 - 53 XP

  • Trick them[Hornswogglin'5]

    gain muck-clogged blunderbuss
    + 50 - 53 XP

Fight him/her

Bad guys

a conquistador dragoon skeleton

XP (kill)

60 - 63


muck-clogged blunderbuss

An angry-looking skeleton with a mining pick is stalking you. I guess, now that I think about it, most skeletons are pretty angry-looking.Repeatable
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

Defend yourself

Bad guys

a miner's skeleton

XP (kill)

60 - 63


2-3 of

skeleton bone
skull chips
handful of loose teeth

40% chance of pickaxe
50% chance of unrefined meat nugget

<horsename> wanders into a darker arroyo than you'd normally go to, and before long you find yourself lost.

From behind you, you hear an ominous tink tink tink ooooooooh, tink tink tink ooooooh.

You turn around to see the ghost of a miner, apparently frustrated that his ghostly pick can no longer find purchase and eager to take it out on you.

Repeatable [PaleHorse]
  • Surrender

    gain Angry

Approach it

Bad guys

a ghost miner

XP (kill)

60 - 63


bit of ectoplasm

You catch a glimpse of something colorful out of the corner of your eye and hop down to investigate it.

Before you know it, you're mesmerized by a scintillating rainbow of shiny, multicolored scales. A moment later, you realize you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Specifically, the book about how Frisco vipers trap their prey. Because you're surrounded by Frisco vipers.

  • Let <horsename> snap you out of it[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Surrender

    gain Angry

Fight them

Bad guys

a Frisco viper
a Frisco viper
a Frisco viper
a Frisco viper

XP (kill)

60 - 63


1-3 of

snake liver
snake spleen
snake venom bladder

Venom: 3 - 4
Medicine: 3 - 4


Frisco viper skin

The bleeping of your El Vibrato transponder leads you to a hulking robot, standing motionlessly out in the desert with a vulture perched on it.

The vulture quickly flaps away when the robot lights up and starts moving toward you.

Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
  • Leave it alone

    continue travel

Approach it

Bad guys

an El Vibrato construct

XP (kill)

60 - 63


2 - 3 El Vibrato scraps
10% chance of El Vibrato battery
20% chance of moon bits
West of Loathing wander events/Region G (2024)


How long does it take to complete West of Loathing? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, West of Loathing is about 7½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 20½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How to get gas cap in West of Loathing? ›

The main entrance is very visible and goes all the way to the bottom. However you need to walk all the way to the right while still outside the mine to find a smaller entrance to the mine. This smaller entrance puts you on the other side of the rubble so you can collect the gas cap from a box in the mine.

Where to play west of loathing? ›

West of Loathing on GOG.com.

How do you get dynamite west of loathing? ›

How to acquire
  1. Trading a needle to Brade.
  2. Purchased from Breadwood Trading Post for 30 meat each.
  3. Purchased from Breadwood Trading Post for 30 meat each.
  4. From losing or surrendering to the angry rattlesnake in Thousand Snakes Gulch.
  5. Purchased from Dirtwater Mercantile for 30 meat each.

Can you get both honorable and ruthless in West of Loathing? ›

However, if you want to get the Wanted: Dead achievement, you need the ruthless perk. Probably you need Honourable for Wanted: Alive too. You can only get one of each in a playthrough (or neither one).

Which is better West of Loathing or shadows over loathing? ›

Reception. RPGamer felt as though Shadows Over Loathing was a good follow-up to West of Loathing and praised the humor, animation, and large amount of side quests. PC Gamer liked the turn-based combat and said that it was superior to West of Loathing's, but felt as though the humor was less effective. The A.V.

What does having no gas cap do? ›

If you drive without a gas cap, it can lead to poor fuel economy because the gas could potentially evaporate without the correct seal on the fuel filler.

Where can I get safe cracking West of Loathing? ›

Level 1
  • Fort Cowardice (Inside the Fort, Medic Tent)
  • Kole Ridge Mine (Inside the Mine, 3rd locker)
  • Stearns Ranch (Cellar)
  • A random encounter in region B.
  • A random encounter in region C.

How do you get Susie in West of Loathing? ›

To gain her as one of your pardner choices you need to visit the Boring Springs Boneyard and read the tombstones on the far right, revealing her name (and the names of her ex-kin). After asking her about it, you can convince her to join after completing her quest to go to the Cochrane Ranch and retrieve her rifle.

What is the lore of West of Loathing? ›

Then there's the lore. West of Loathing takes place after a major magical disaster: the Day the Cows Came Home. Portals to hell turned the cows demonic, and great darkness spread across the West. Or take the game's Ghost Town.

What year does West of Loathing take place? ›

what year is it in west of loathing ? 1895 as I recall. If you're asking because of the grandmother ghost in Reboot Hill, I believe they made it simple and her be born in 1800, died at 95.

Where is West of Loathing set? ›

The game takes place in the universe of Asymmetric's Kingdom of Loathing, in a fantasy Western themed frontier setting.

What happens if you give Barnaby Bob the cowsbane? ›

If you hand over the Cowsbane Seeds you get 1000 meat and the quest is stalled. If you first grow them into a Bale of cowsbane then you get 1000 meat and the quest is stalled. If you go on and use them yourself as per Hellcows quest, then you for some reason cannot report it to Barnaby, and the quest is stalled.

What does the ghost horse do in West of Loathing? ›

The pale horse can fly, because it's a ghost. The crazy horse is more likely to get you random things to happen than not. The normal horse is a normal horse. She can run pretty quick.

Can you have multiple partners in West of Loathing? ›

You can only have one of Pete, Alice, Susie or Gary as your pardner, and your choice cannot be altered once made.

Is West of Loathing worth playing? ›

West of Loathing is a great value for its price and definitely entertaining for what it is.

How long is reckoning at Gun Manor? ›

Main Story31h 50m
Main + Extras72h 49m
Completionist23h 25m
All PlayStyles122h 47m

Should I destroy the goblet in West of Loathing? ›

You can attempt to destroy the goblet (requires 5 Muscle, but rewards 50 XP), or take it. Pouring the blood from the goblet into the doll does not remove the goblet from your inventory, but does result in the doll running away.

How many companions are in West of Loathing? ›

You can have only one companion with you at a time.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.